Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Starting Afresh

Wow, it's been a while since I've been on this! Just been looking back at what I have posted previously and I have to apologize for the picture quality and all the rambling!

Since the last time I posted, alot in my life has happened.....I moved out of my family home with my then boyfriend, broke up with said boyfriend, went a little wild with life and soon moved down to London to pursue my career in fashion.

Not gonna lie it has been a tough time but it has really taught me to be a stronger person. Now I know all this sounds so cliche. You read about people who's been through break ups how they thought it was the end of their lives and they didn't know what to do with themselves but now they are so much happier and better without them...yada yada yada....well that's exactly what happened. Moving to London was the best decision I made, I do feel like it was fate that I managed to get a job so quick after only applying for for jobs in London for 5 months (and that's including Christmas period). Instead of moping about feeling sorry for myself in a quiet village in Lincolnshire, I threw myself into the hustle and bustle of the London life. Looking back, it was probably for the best for the both of us as we both ended up getting the jobs that we really wanted. Maybe in some way, life is telling us we need this change to grow as an individual.

Don't get me wrong I still have had times where I just want to cry but London definitely made it better for my broken heart. After nearly 2 and a half years of being a Londoner, I do feel like I'm a better version of myself. This is also due to the amount of amazing friends I have around me to give me the support I needed, and the amount of friends that I've made since I've been in london. One friend in particular have been the greatest support to me, this is my best friend who I've been friends with since secondary school. There is no words to say how grateful I am to her for being there for me, even at my lowest points. I can't thank her enough and proud to call her my friend. <3

Now that I'm in a better place I thought, why not start my blog again and show you all the exciting life of London! Haha! My plan is to show you all a little bit of everything in my life including food, scenery and travel. I'm going to try and do more food updates as I do love food (you can tell from the amount of food pictures on my Instagram!) but there will be other snippets thrown in too :). 

Hope you will enjoy reading my blog, I promise there will be better blogs to read soon! :) 

Hope you all have a lovely day! I'll leave you with this quote:

Cindy xx 


How beautiful does this look! I recently went to Brighton for a mini break with my sister as I always wanted to go to have a wander. W...